Sunday, June 1, 2014

Vampires, Witches and Werewolves... Oh My! (Dealing with Emotional Vampires)

As promised, the time has come for an article on the phenomena of psychic vampirism, and what one can do in order to protect oneself against their energy-draining tactics.  Much has been said about the psychic vampire, and a community of people who identify as such has been created and even has a popular New Age book devoted to its practices called The Psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle Belanger.  Others, such as The Sanguinomicon and Vampyre Magick by "Father Sebastiaan" have popped up as well, giving credence to a society of people who positively identify themselves with a term originally coined by Anton LaVey to refer to something he considered very negative.
Vampires have always been a popular obsession for the public, with the advent of Gothic literature and the enduring popularity of novels such as Dracula and the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.  At first very ugly, as in Nosferatu, they soon developed into beautiful, tragic creatures and the films depicting them became less Gothic horror and more soap opera.
Within the so-called "vampire community," there are three distinct types or classifications of vampires: sanguine (blood-drinkers), psychic (energy-feeders), and hybrid (both).  Most of them do not believe they are actually supernatural or immortal.  They commonly profess to believe they have a kind of natural energy deficiency or energy-leak which requires them to consume energy produced by others because they cannot produce enough of their own.  Whether or not there is any truth to this, I will not debate, because it is veritably impossible to prove or disprove.  What this article concerns is not those people within that community---who have a code of conduct called "The Black Veil" which forbids them from draining energy from anyone other than a willing victim, or "donor"---but rather addresses the issue of what you could call "emotional vampires," most of whom do not consciously realize what they are or what they do.
This type of vampire feeds on naïvety and takes advantage of your good nature.  If you are typically a kind-natured person who is willing to give anyone a chance, the psychic vampire will pick up that almost immediately and will ride you into the ground.  Often people do not even realize what is happening to them---they get a vague feeling of exhaustion or of being fed-up; they may perceive this person as needy and deserving of sympathy---because the psychic vampire will show kindness on the surface, a façade which is generally fairly hollow, as a psychic vampire has very little generosity or sympathy of their own to return when the tables are turned and you are the one in need.  On the surface, they're all smiles and ass-kissing, but with time they will show their true colors---especially as soon as you tell them "no" or they perceive that you have betrayed them.  "Betraying" them is easy to do---all you have to do is act like they aren't the center of your universe for even one second.
These people present themselves in a way as to seem as pitiful and helpless as they can, which is intended as a trap to draw you in.
To drive the proverbial stake through the heart, figuratively speaking of course, you simply need to recognize them for what they are and get used to saying "no."  They will beg and they will plead, they might even cry or throw a temper tantrum, but once they realize that they can't get to you anymore, once you show them that you are above that, they will move onto the next unsuspecting victim.  If allowed to, psychic vampires can ruin your life.  I would know, as I firmly believe I've dated a few.  By the time their done with you, your self-confidence will be demolished, your self-respect and self-esteem will be lower than low.  You will be exhausted, bitter, angry, and hurt.  You will probably even feel worthless and suicidal.  They will use you for everything you are worth, and then they will spit you out when someone they perceive as more useful comes along.
But as soon as you manage to gain your self-respect back to some degree, you will look back on the whole ordeal and realize what they were---a soulless, sociopathic energy-feeder.  The problem with many of these types of people is that you may not begin to see them exhibiting these telltale behaviors until you have already started to develop a relationship with them for a while, at which point your feelings of love, nostalgia or emotional fondness may cloud your judgment and prevent you from perceiving them as what they really are.  This is unfortunately one of those times in life when you need to learn the benefit of being a little callous.  As they've often said, nice guys finish last.  This is because all the users and abusers are trampling them underfoot, and they are too kind-hearted and good-natured to put a stop to it.
If someone you love is one of these energy-draining people, you need to accept it and deal with for your own sake---or you will end up feeling very badly, supposing you survive your encounter.  I can't help but wonder how many people have been driven to suicide by the relentlessly abusive, manipulative treatment these psychic vampires can dish out.  I certainly know what it feels like.  Nip it in the bud!  Kick them to the curb!  Or you may find yourself in a very unpleasant situation with very little to hope for except death; and don't delude yourself to think that if you did kill yourself, that this person would care.  They would be onto the next victim before the funeral arrangements have been made.  You have been warned.

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